Often people ask us if Components are better than Coaxial speakers when they stop into our car audio shop in Brooklyn Park. The answer is more involved than a simple yes.

Components are better because:

  1. Better Crossover
    • The frequencies where people hear best are right where most crossovers split the audio information into 2 parts. High frequencies go to the tweeter and mid-low frequencies go to the woofer. 
    • Coax speakers only use a small cap to separate the tweeter and the woofer naturally rolls off to blend with the tweeter. It's only a 6db/octave slope and is not very accurate
    • Comp speakers on the other hand have crossover cap/coil networks that are much more extensive then the little cap used on a coax speaker. The level of detail in vocals is MUCH improved. The slopes are typically 24db/18db/12db/ octave which means the speakers are wasting less energy on signals they shouldn't be playing. 
  2. Better Materials -  
    • Components often use better materials which make for better sound.
    • Good Sound comes from light, rigid speaker materials
    • Quality materials last a long time too.
    • Better quality caps/coils to make the crossover network 
  3. Better Imaging
    • With a movable tweeter you can place in a better position to get to your ears.
      • Careful not to split the tweeter too far from the woofer! 1' or less! 
  4. The woofer sounds much better with out a large tweeter in the center of it. 

    Components are almost always selected as the right speaker to achieve the best sound. Coaxial speakers are often selected to keep installation requirements and costs lower. Coaxial speakers have better sound quality than factory speakers.

    Contact us today and let's discuss the new set of components for your car in Minneapolis.


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