Many people today lease their vehicles. It can be a great way to operate a vehicle that is under warranty and the monthly payment for leasing is usually much less than the monthly loan payment for purchasing the same make and model. You also can trade it in every two or three years and then lease a brand-new car, truck or SUV with upgraded features and technology. This also means that if you experience mechanical issues or problems, it will usually be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, and a lessee can simply walk away at the end of the lease contract’s term.
But attention must be paid when performing any alterations to your leased ride. The leasing company actually owns the vehicle, so re-painting it with peace symbols, tricking out the engine or suspension, or any other major modifications to the core components of the car or truck are typically not acceptable. Basically, if you can “uninstall” whatever you added, and adding it did not require altering the original condition of the vehicle, you have a green light.
Tonneau covers are one such utility. They provide great protection of whatever you may need to transport in the bed of your truck – tools, materials, personal belongings and so forth. Snow, rain and dirt are kept out of your gear, and they also offer some level of theft deterrent – if someone with ill intent walks by an exposed truck bed filled with expensive tools, the opportunity might just become irresistible.
Mobile Installation Services can install any tonneau cover we offer without any structural modifications to your vehicle. It will provide the protection and the great looks you need without any compromise of your leasing arrangement. If you own a truck, this is a practical investment you will be glad to have after 12 inches of snow have buried the rest of the parking lot!
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