Setting Time Delay On Your Car Stereo. Why?
There are a few inherent problems we face when trying to listen to a stereo in car vs a home. A car or truck is a tin can with all sorts of goofy contours, hard surfaces, road noise and you sit on one side of the car instead of the middle. The great thing about listening to music in the car is you can truly jam out as loud as you want flying down the highway. That’s what so great about getting a nice car stereo installed.
We can do things to make the car sound better and for this blog we will talk about time alignment or time delay. This feature makes an incredible difference and almost creates a 3D effect around you if done correctly.
The problem is that when you sit in your driver’s seat the sound from your front left speaker hits your ears before the sound from the right speaker does. The difference is very small but surprisingly humans are very good at hearing these differences and we use that difference to determine where the sound is coming from. What we do to trick the ears into thinking you are in the middle of the car is simply delaying the speaker output of your speakers so all the sound arrives at your ears at the same time. The effect is very nice as you feel like you are directly in the middle of the car. You’ll notice the vocals in the music now sound like they are on your hood singing to you.
To get this time delay feature you’ll need a head unit that has it built in or an external processor that has that feature. Usually external processors have better tolerances and allow you tube finer than the head units with Time Delay built in.
The products we carry change each year so if you are interested in getting Time Delay and better sound processing come down to our shop or give us a call. You would be blown away to listen to the same system tuned vs not tuned with Time Delay.
Feel free to Contact Us and discuss your options for upgrading your car audio in the Minneapolis area.

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